host sites

What is a host site?

A “host site” is a large facility, usually a church, with the capacity to accommodate up to 25 guests per night during COFM’s shelter program. Each week, the program operates at a different host site. The church’s congregation plays a vital role in the shelter operations from transforming the church to a shelter for the week, to unloading the GOD POD, to preparing and serving meals, to offering compassionate conversations, to assisting the shelter managers with their tasks.

Host Responsibilities

  1. Recruit and supervise volunteers to staff their week of emergency sheltering.

  2. Provide sufficient space for sleeping, eating, and any optional activities for guests.

  3. Provide dinner and breakfast for guests.

  4. Transfer shelter supplies between/among shelter sites, as needed, and follow Cargo Trailer Guidelines.

  5. Collect and validate appropriate sheltering reports for submission to Community of Faith Mission.

  6. Send key leaders to the annual COFM training sessions.

  7. Utilize the record-keeping system.

  8. Communicate all important information with COFM Executive Director.

Are you a church leader or do you know of a church that would make a great Host Site?

Click the steaming cup below if you want to contact us.

DEAR host sites

Thank you for your support.

Your dedication and compassion make COFM possible. We are deeply grateful for your unwavering effort. Thank you for being an essential part of our mission; COFM wouldn’t be the same without you!

our host sites

Bruton Parish Episcopal Church
CrossWalk Church
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church
Hickory Neck Episcopal Church
James River Baptist Church
Life Church
St. Bede Catholic Church/WHOM
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
St. John Baptist Church
Smith Memorial Baptist Church
Williamsburg Christian Church
Williamsburg Community Chapel
Williamsburg Presbyterian Church
Williamsburg Unitarian Universalist
Williamsburg United Methodist Church

“For I was hungry,
and you fed me.
I was thirsty, and
you gave me drink.
I was a stranger and
you invited me in."

- Matthew 25:35

Personal or Business Donations
are greatly appreciated.

COFM offers a unique opportunity to invest locally and see the tangible results firsthand. By choosing us, you support a trustworthy organization that ensures your charity money directly benefits the Greater Williamsburg Area, creating a resilient community we can all be proud of.

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