Typical night at the shelter

Sample Timeline for a Typical Evening in the Shelter

5:00pm – Shelter manager, food preparers and key leaders arrive at shelter

Before 6:00 pm: Dinner preparations are underway.
5:15 pm: Security arrives and sets up temperature check station. Volunteers arrive. All are screened prior to entering.
Check-in desk is organized. All electronics plugged in, and all apps logged into.
Tables and chairs are readied.
Places for volunteer check-in and coats are prepared.
Beverages are set out for guests.
Shelter Manager reviews the check-in procedures with Check-in volunteers and Security volunteer.
6:00 pm: If host site offers a waiting area inside, then guest may come in after they have had a temperature check. For safety reasons, no restroom visits are allowed prior to check-in. Check-in prior to 6:30 p. m. is only allowed if there is no inside waiting area, all volunteers are in place, and shelter manager is ready.
6:30 pm: Check-in procedures officially begin. Guests will be directed to common area seating.
7:00 pm: Dinner/Announcements
Guests are seated at tables. Blessing and announcements are given by the key leader.
Dinner is served. Volunteers are encouraged to visit with guests.
7:30/After dinner: Bus tickets are offered. If sites have them, showers may be offered.
Showers may be offered earlier if enough volunteers are available for monitoring. For sites without showers, use the Shower sign up form (Monday and Thursday) for the YMCA.
8-8:15 pm: Smoke break.
8:15 pm: Bedding bags. Guests will pick up their own bedding bag from a designated area. Guests are not allowed in sleeping areas until this time if it is separate from the dining area.
8:40 pm: Overnight shift arrives to be briefed.
9:00 pm: Doors are locked.
9:00 to 10:00 pm: Shelter Manager trains overnight and provides any pertinent information. Any paper forms to be put in clear 9” x 12” intake bin for overnight SM data entry.
10:00 pm: Lights out; cell phones off. ABSOLUTELY NO ELECTRONICS ON AFTER 10pm
Overnight crew circulates throughout shelter, checking sleeping areas and bathrooms.
Coffee is prepared to be ready at 5:30 am.
5:30 am: Morning crew arrives.
6:00 am: Guest are awakened, and bedding bags are turned in to designated area.
Breakfast is served at 6 am.
By 7 am: All guests have left the shelter. All confidential and electronics to be securely stored away. Volunteers do any cleanup necessary. The Shelter Manager or volunteer will fog all touched areas with disinfectant fogging material.

Our Motto:

“For I was hungry,
and you fed me.
I was thirsty, and
you gave me drink.
I was a stranger and
you invited me in."

- Matthew 25:35

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