UPDATE 3/15/20 Provisions have been made by City of Williamsburg Social Services, James City County Social Services, Williamsburg House of Mercy, Williamsburg Christian Church and COFM to continue a modified version of the shelter for this upcoming week. The shelter will be open Sunday night (3/15/20) at Williamsburg Christian Church, 200 John Tyler Ln, Williamsburg, VA 23185.  This will be the final night to check in to the shelter. There will be 15 spaces available for Men at this location. Women who come to the shelter on Sunday will be provided a shared hotel room. Starting Monday (3/16/20) only the men and women who checked in to the shelter on Sunday (3/15/20) will be provided a shared hotel room. Further information will be available at the shelter.  Update 3/14/20 Due to the congregational closings of many of our Host Partners and for the wellbeing of all our guests the Community of Faith Mission shelter will be closing for the season, a week early, on Sunday morning, March 15, 2020.   Local resource page for our guests https://jamescitycountyva.gov/3753/Coronavirus-Disease-2019-COVID-19 https://www.williamsburgva.gov/government/departments-a-h/emergency-preparedness/coronavirus-covid-19  
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