For Supporting Us with Gifts of $1,000 or More
During the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year
Your profound generosity touches lives in the most profound ways. Your commitment enables us to provide shelter, sustenance, and hope to those in need. Thank you for shining brightly and making our mission possible.
Anonymous C Joanne Jenner Charles & Rosalie Frey Crow’s Garage DayBreak Church Frederick Adamchak J & J Financial Management, Inc. J Zepkin James & Caryn MacLean John & Elizabeth Williams Langley For Families Larry Arata Lawson Enterprises, Inc. LifePointe Christian Church Marian Dawson New2You thrift store & 3 Doors Down Pamela Janaro Sentara Cares St. Martin’s Episcopal Church St. Stephen Lutheran Church Steve & Sue Xander Toano Contractors, Inc. Tom Castonguay Toano Contractors Villas at Five Forks Williamsburg Community Foundation Williamsburg Moose Lodge #757 Williamsburg Presbyterian Church
Our Motto:
“For I was hungry,
and you fed me.
I was thirsty,
and you gave me drink.
I was a stranger
and you invited me in."